Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do all men cheat?

I was talking to a good girl friend of mine today, whose been dating this new cat for about three months. She thinks he's been cheating on her, and made the comment that all men cheat, men aint crap....yada yada yada! So before I allowed her to start bashing all men, I asked her a simple question. "When was the last you gave him some?" She said it had been about three weeks because they had been arguing alot lately, and she has not been in the mood.

This made me realize that women are swayed by emotion, and men are swayed by the physical. I do not want to generalize this comment for the inclusion of all men; but let's just say the majority of men are motivated by the extreme visual attraction of a woman. It may also be the animalistic, competitive, desire of men to pursue the "chase"!

We love the variation of different women to add to our little black book. It is another conquering quest to massage, and stroke our fragile egos. I will be the first to admit this. It is very hard for the male species to stay monogamous, and keep his penis in his pants. I will say however, the younger the man the better the chance for infidelity. You know what they say, "young dumb and full of cum."

In conclusion, my personal opinion is 80% of all men have cheated/or will cheat. But one thing is for sure-the best way to keep your man in your bed is to keep giving him some!!!!

Send me your feedback............

1 comment:

  1. So I believe that about 85% to 90% of men cheat. I've heard plenty of horror stories from females in my past and present to safely come up with those numbers. I have only been in two relationships in my life time and never really caught any of them cheating. I even tried to play detective Simpson (my last name) and the most I could find is flirting. In the second relationship I do not believe he cheated. In two years I never even caught him in a small lie! He always made sure he fully explained any concerns I may have had which wasn't much. So I guess I consider my self lucky. If it wasn't for those two relationships, there is a good chance I might have been lead to believe all men cheat. How ever, I have no desire to believe that all men cheat. By believing that all men cheat women set themselves up self up for lot of un successful relationships. So when women say all men cheat I say no just all YOUR men cheat! It's called LOA ( law of attraction) even though it's relavant I'll explain that some other time though. Any how I do agree to some degree that if the sexual connection in a relationship is lost the relationship can be too. Some men need any reason to stray and not giving your man sex will easily make them cheat. If he is a good man and in that 10 to 15% he will not give into temptation. He will realize that a piece of booty isn't worth loosing the one he is with. As far as the age of cheating men, I do think that the younger they are the higher risk they are for not being able to fathom being monogamous. At the same time though it depends on the individual. I know a few older cheating ass men but I won't say any names lol PS . I can't stand cheating men! ok I'm done ;)
